Rediscover the World: A Toddler's Guide to Nature's Magic


Recently we’ve been spoilt with surprisingly good weather for mid-winter. We’ve been making the most of this by going for lots of family walks along our beautiful coastline. Walking with Goldie, the world takes on a whole new brilliance... She’s 2 years old and full of curiosity and wonder. Goldie has this remarkable ability to turn even the simplest things into captivating adventures. Every leaf she stops to examine, every rock she picks up with utmost fascination, it's as if we're rediscovering the beauty that we've long taken for granted.

Goldie's infectious laughter and wide-eyed amazement are like a magic lens that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. A ladybug on a leaf becomes a tiny, colourful explorer in her own story. Her fascination with the tiniest details reminds us of the enchantment that comes with slowing down. In a world that's constantly rushing, Goldie encourages us to pause and stop to smell the roses, or should I say wattle.

The surf coast is bursting with colour with all of the wattles in full-bloom… the other day Goldie brought a sprig home and handed it to me … “Mummy, wattle so pretty, you like it?”

As parents, Al and I are learning so much from her inquisitiveness. But perhaps the most precious gift Goldie gives us is the gift of awe. She teaches us to see the world as a place of endless wonders, each day pointing out the moon, the stars, sunrise and sunset. 

Although it now takes twice as long, walking with Goldie through nature is not just a stroll – it's an enchanting journey, a voyage of rediscovery. Through her eyes, the world regains its magic, and we're reminded that life's greatest treasures are often found in the tiniest of moments.

If you got all the way to the end of this post take this as a prompt to go for a walk in nature and soak up its beauty.

Until next time x IMO




G’day we’re Al + Imo

We’re a husband and wife duo, building our dream life one DIY project at a time. We are proudly self-taught, furniture-makers, business owners, designers and stylists.


We firmly believe what you learn should be shared which is why we created our Journal. A place where you can learn new skills and be inspired by other creatives.


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